

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sapping 2016 is upon us!

It's that time again.....and I'm not referring to the Presidential campaign debates! Our weather has prompted us into 'ON' mode for tapping our Maple Trees.

We got our trees tapped this past Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and our first day of collecting was today with 650 gallons! Not bad for a first day. So tonight is 'test-mode' at the Shak, making sure we're ready!

We are a tiny-bit worried, admittedly, about our Spring conditions. There is NO snow in the woods!  The ground in the woods is still frozen, but there is no typical insulation blanket (snow) to protect us from this unusually warm week that is forecasted. Typically, we'd feel confident with this warm spell coming that the snow in the woods will keep the trees from realizing it's Spring...but this year warm is warm.  No insulation.  2016 may be a 'quick season.'  We'll see.

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